Monday, February 4, 2013


Your assignment for today is a review over multiplication and division of fractions. You are doing the whole page! If you get stuck, go back and watch the videos where I demonstrate how to do both of these. And of course, email me if you need help!

 Math: Equations with 4 terms. Here is a video I made for Algebra I earlier this year, but it shows the same type of equations that you are doing. remember, your assignment is just #1-15.

 Geography: We took notes in class. No homework!


Pre-Algebra: We worked on in class activities today. No homework!

Algebra I: Distance Problems. You are only doing #1-5 tonight. I made a video, but it is 10 minutes and will take a little longer to upload. I'll update the blog and it'll be below when it's finished!

See you tomorrow,
 Mrs. Swickey