Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 17th

First, I want to apologize for the long blog silence! There's been so much going on lately, that the blog has been put on the back burner for awhile. Here are the assignments for today:

6th Grade

Literature - Worksheets to go with the myth, "Arachne". There is a selection test over Arachne tomorrow too.

Spelling - No homework. Unit 34 was due today.

Math - Lesson 101. This was assigned yesterday but is due tomorrow.

7th Grade

Spelling - Unit 35 is due on Friday.

Literature - Read Demeter and Persephone and answer the questions: TAS #1-9 and AL #1-4. Also, there are worksheets over "Town Mouse & Country Mouse" and "The Fox and the Crow". Since there was no homework assigned in other classes, you can choose one of the above two assignments to skip using the homework pass given out to everyone today. There is a Selection test over the two fables though. Be sure to read them again!

Math - Practice Test 19. Here are the rest of the answers:

8th Grade

Algebra I - There is no homework today! We spent the class time going over the practice test.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey