Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 28th

Sixth Grade

Math - Lesson 30. Due Monday. Least Common Multiple and Reciprocals. Remember, for LCM, you are going to list several numbers that the two numbers GO INTO. (You cannot list all of them because the lists would never end.) So, to find the LCM of 3 and 5, first list the multiples of each number.

Multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18...

Multiples of 5 are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25....

Since 15 is the smallest number that is on BOTH lists, 15 is the least common multiple of 3 and 5.

Remember, multiples are what you get when you COUNT by a number.

For reciprocal, remember that anytime you multiply a number by its reciprocal you will get 1. A way to remember how to find the reciprocal is flip it over if it's a fraction. If it is a whole number, write the whole number over 1 and THEN flip it over. So, the reciprocal of 5 would be 1/5 because 5 is the same as 5/1, so flipping it would make it 1/5. The reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2.

Literature - Look up the definitions of the vocabulary words for Section 2 Set 1. We will go over these on Monday.

Spelling - Unit 10. This will be due on Wednesday this time! I will make sure you get your books tomorrow.

Seventh Grade

Vocabulary - Test over Unit 4 is tomorrow! Please study the words.

Literature - We read from "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" today and will finish it tomorrow and watch the Twilight Zone episode.

Spelling - Unit 10 is due tomorrow. Also, study for the test!

Math - Lesson 26. Due tomorrow! Multiplying and Dividing mixed numbers. Remember to follow these steps:

1. Change whole numbers and mixed numbers to improper fractions. For whole numbers, just write it over 1. For mixed numbers do the U-TURN.

1a. If it is division, change the division sign to multiplication and flip the second fraction. If it is multiplication, skip this step!

2. Cross cancel where you can. Remember you cannot cross cancel side to side. Only top numbers with bottom numbers.

3. Multiply across and simplify if the answer is an improper fraction.

That's it!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Graph worksheets.

Algebra I - Lesson 29. I will do a video for you this weekend! Check back for live examples on how to do these problems. The assignment isn't due until Monday as we will not have math class tomorrow.

See you then!

Mrs. Swickey

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 27th

Sixth Grade

Literature - Answer the two questions about Chapter 4. For the first question on the slip, just write a complete sentence. For the second question, use 3-5 sentences to explain your answer.

Math - Practice Test. There is a test tomorrow!

Spelling - Unit 10 pretest. The unit is due next Tuesday.

Seventh Grade

Vocabulary - Unit 4 is due tomorrow!

Spelling - Unit 10 is due on Friday. Be sure you are studying the words.

Literature - We are reading the play, "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street" together. No homework.

Math - The class took a test today. No homework.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. Lesson 29. Graphs.

Algebra I took a test today. No homework!

See you tomorrow for backwards day....

Mrs. Swickey

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, October 25th

Sixth Grade

Literature - We read from The Golden Goblet today and discussed the definitions from the latest set - Set 3 of Section 1. There will be a quiz over these 14 words on Wednesday.

Spelling - Unit 9 is due tomorrow. You do NOT have to do the Vocabulary Connections pages this week since you did not get your Spelling books back until Friday. There is a test over Unit 9 tomorrow as well.

*For those students who scored below 75 on the Unit 8 test, please study for a makeup test on Wednesday.

Math - We worked on Investigation 1 today. Histograms and Surveys. The students were grouped in two's or three's and planned their surveys for the classes tomorrow. There is NO HOMEWORK!

Seventh Grade

Literature - There is a Selection Test over "A Secret for Two" tomorrow. We discussed the essay question in class today. Be sure you go over the essay so that you know what you are going to write. It will help you organize your thoughts.

Grammar - pp. 55-57. Exercises D, E, and DWS. Follow directions for each exercise.

Spelling - Unit 10 was assigned today. Be sure you are studying the words you missed on today's pretest during the week. It will help you do better on the tests on Fridays.

Math - We finished our graphs for the animal behaviors from the zoo and each group shared their results. Tomorrow, we will get back to working on lessons! No homework.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. We worked through a practice test today. There is a test tomorrow. Be sure you go over your practice test problems!

Algebra I - Lesson 28. Fractional Parts of Numbers and Functional Notation.

For fractional parts, remember to change the words into math symbols and variables and solve like regular equations. For example, 56 is 2/3 of what number?

First, you would change the "is" to an equals sign and the "of" to a multiplication sign and the "what number" to a variable such as n.

Then you would have: 56=2/3 x n

Since you don't have to use a multiplication sign in Algebra, you can change that to:

56 = 2/3n

Then, you would just multiply both sides by the reciprocal of 2/3, which is 3/2 and get n = 84

Functional notation is another method of of evaluating an expression given a value for the variable. For example:

The answer in the above example is read like this: "The function of negative three is seven."

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 20

Sixth Grade

Literature - "Quiz Time" sheet with 10 questions over Chapters 1-3 of The Golden Goblet. This is due on Friday because I will be on a field trip with the 7th graders tomorrow.

Spelling - Unit 9 was assigned today. The students do not have their Spelling books back yet, but I will make sure they have them tomorrow!

Math - Lesson 29. Practice and #1-10 only. Remember, to multiply fractions you multiply ACROSS. Numerator times numerator, and denominator times denominator. Then reduce the fraction you get after multiplying, if necessary. If the top number is bigger than the bottom, you will need to change it into a mixed number by dividing the bottom number into the top.

If you have a whole number multiplied by a fraction, first write the whole number over 1, then multiply across.

Seventh Grade

Don't forget! If you haven't brought your permission slip or your money for our trip to the zoo, be sure you have it with you tomorrow! You cannot go unless we have the permission slip. Remember, you must wear your uniforms. You can wear a spirit shirt, if you have one. You may NOT wear carnival shirts or house shirts tomorrow. Save those for Friday. We are going to have a great time. I expect your best behavior and full participation in our activity observing and recording the animal behaviors. It's going to be a fun day. One more thing, be sure you bring lunch money or a sack lunch. I will have a cooler to put your lunches in.

Spelling - Unit 9 is due on Friday! Please be sure you are studying. I passed out the home study sheet today, so take that home and study tonight and tomorrow night!

Literature - Worksheets over "A Secret for Two". These are due tomorrow. I will take them up in the morning!

Vocabulary - We reviewed the words for Unit 4. Write 10 sentences with ten of the words. These are also due tomorrow.

Math - Lesson 24. Dividing Fractions. Remember the rule for dividing fractions: Change the division sign to multiplication and flip the second fraction. Then cross cancel where you can and multiply across. Change any improper fractions into mixed numbers and be sure the fractions are completely reduced! The lesson is due on FRIDAY.

Eighth Grade

Both of the following assignments are due on Friday. You will have another math assignment passed out tomorrow that will also be due on Friday.

Pre-Algebra: Lesson 27. Area of triangles. Remember, to find the area of a triangle, multiply the base times the height and divide by two. You can always find the height because it is at a RIGHT ANGLE to the base. You can find the right angle by looking for the little square. Sometimes the height is NOT one of the sides, but will be indicated by the little square and dotted lines to the top point of the triangle.

Algebra I - Lesson 27. You were all doing so well with the examples today, so I won't go through it again! Excellent job.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday, October 19th

Just a reminder to everyone - my school email is working again! If you don't know my email but need to ask me a question, just look in the right side bar.

Sixth Grade

Literature - Define the 14 vocabulary words for Section 1 - Set 3. We finished reading Chapter 3 in The Golden Goblet so we are making progress!

Spelling - No homework! The unit was due today.

Math - Lesson 28. Fraction manipulatives: 1/5 and 1/10. You are doing the whole lesson. If you have trouble with some of the practice (and there are a few!), we will go over them tomorrow.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Be sure you are working on Unit 9 this week. We did not take a practice test, so everyone will take the test on Friday! I will give you a home study sheet tomorrow.

Literature - Finish reading the story, "A Secret for Two" and answer the questions: Thinking About the Selection #1-6 and Analyzing Literature #1-3.

Math - Today during math class, we prepared for Thursday's field trip by watching a video of animals and observing them. Tomorrow, we will make a few graphs with our data from today. This is a warm-up to what you will be doing with your chosen animals on Thursday. No homework!

Grammar - Adjectives pp. 51-54. Exercises A and C. You do not have to do Exercise B. Remember to write the adjectives and the nouns described in columns. Do not use arrows!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. Lesson 26. Mean, median, mode, and range. If you still need help, email me to let me know! There is no math help on Wednesdays so I can't help you in the morning.

Algebra I - Lesson 26. More complicated equations.

Remember these steps:

1. Combine any like terms on each side of the equation.
2. Move variables to the same side of the equation.
3. Eliminate the constant on the same side of the variable.
4. Eliminate any coefficients of the variables.
5. Simplify your answer, if necessary.

Here are a few examples:

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, October 12th

Sixth Grade

Literature - Book reports were due today! If you didn't have your report finished, be sure you have everything you need for tomorrow. We will continue to present our reports in the morning.

Spelling - The test over Unit 7 was today. Tomorrow, we will begin working on Unit 8.

Math - There was a math test today. No homework!

Seventh Grade

Literature - The book report was due today! For those of you that didn't have it done, be sure you have everything you need for tomorrow!

Grammar - There is a test over Verbs tomorrow! Please go over the chapter in your book.

Spelling - Unit 8 is due on Thursday. Remember, no Vocabulary Connections this week!

Math - Lesson 22. Fraction of a group problems. Everyone remembered how to do these from last year, but if you are stuck, please email me!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. We worked on a test review today. Please finish the review and go over the questions for your test tomorrow.

Algebra I took a test today. Lesson 25 is due tomorrow.

See you then!

Mrs. Swickey

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, October 11th

My school email is working again so you can email me at the address in the right sidebar anytime you need me!

Sixth Grade

Literature - BOOK REPORTS ARE DUE TOMORROW! Be sure you have completed all the parts of the book report: Data Sheet with Reflection (what YOU thought of the book), Book Summary (what the book was ABOUT), and Extended Activity. We will begin presenting our book reports tomorrow. Not everyone will have a chance to present tomorrow, but everyone must come prepared and ready to go!

We also read a little of The Golden Goblet today.

Spelling - Unit 7 is due tomorrow! Please make sure you have finished the unit. STUDY!

Math - Practice Test 4. This should be done at home. We will go over the practice test tomorrow and then take the test.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 8 was assigned. It is due on Thursday. No Vocabulary Connections this week! Be sure you do the Challenge page though. AND STUDY!

Literature - BOOK REPORTS ARE DUE TOMORROW! Be sure you have written your literary element analysis essay and filled out the book report data sheet.

Vocabulary - The test over Units 1-3 is tomorrow. You MAY use your card box. Be sure you have organized the cards alphabetically in your box!

Math - No homework tonight! We finished up testing today and didn't have time to learn a new lesson.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. Lesson 25. Area as a difference. Remember, first find the area of the shape as if it were a solid rectangle. Then, find the area of the portion that was "cut out" of the rectangle. Subtract it from the area of the whole rectangle. That's it!

Algebra I. Test Review 5. Tomorrow is the test! Lesson 25 is due on Wednesday for you.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 7th

Sixth Grade

Spelling - Unit 7 will be due on Tuesday, as usual.

Literature - Remember that your first book report is due on Tuesday! We will be presenting these in class, so be sure you have completed everything!

Math - Supplemental 22.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 7 is due tomorrow! Please be sure you have finished the unit.

Vocabulary - Unit Review 1-3 is due on Monday.

Literature - Book reports are due on Tuesday! Be sure you have finished reading and have given yourself enough time to write your essay analyzing the literary element you picked. Remember, you are only writing about ONE literary element - not all four.

Math - Lesson 21. Prime & Composite numbers and prime factorization.

Grammar - Worksheet reviewing helping verbs.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Lesson 23. Here are two examples of unit multipliers.

Algebra I. Lesson 23. Remember that when you are solving equations, you are still follow sign rules. So, if you have to subtract a number from a negative number, think about adding the opposite. Let me know if you have any questions!

See you tomorrow.

Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday, October 5th

Sixth Grade

Today, we read more of The Golden Goblet and discussed the vocabulary words assigned yesterday. There will be a quiz over these words on Thursday. No homework!

Spelling - Unit 6 is due tomorrow! The test is also tomorrow.

Math - We did not do a new lesson today. The lesson from yesterday will be due tomorrow!

Are you working on your book reports?? Remember, you have several parts to do, so please work hard!

Seventh Grade

Literature - Worksheet over "A Boy and A Man". The Selection Test will be tomorrow so please go over the essay question given to you today.

Vocabulary - Unit Review 1-3 was assigned today. The unit review will be due on Monday. You do not have to do the Word Families section, but need to complete all other sections.

Math - There was no math assignment today. We will do the Investigation tomorrow!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Test 4 was today. Lesson 21 is due tomorrow!

Algebra I - Today, the class worked on Practice Test 4. The test is tomorrow.

See you then!
Mrs. Swickey

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4th

Sixth Grade

Literature - Look up the next set of 14 vocabulary words for The Golden Goblet. We will continue reading in class. Bring your book with you EVERY DAY!

Don't forget!!! The book report is due on October 12th...that's a week from tomorrow! We will go over some of the details in class tomorrow to make sure everyone knows what they are going to do.

Spelling - Unit 6 is due on WEDNESDAY this week. This is because I did not get your Spelling books back to you early enough last week! The test will be Wednesday as well.

Math - Lesson 24. Adding and Subtracting fractions with common denominators. Remember that when you add and subtract fractions, you are ONLY adding and subtracting the numerators. That's it! It's a pretty easy lesson today. Remember, you are only doing the practice problems and the EVENS.

Seventh Grade

We spent most of our class time testing. In Literature, the students paired up and acted out a skit. The rest of the class then guessed what kind of conflict the skit presented. It was a LOT of fun! No homework.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. Practice Test 4. PLEASE finish the practice test. We will quickly go over a few problems before the test tomorrow, but you MUST study for these tests! They are NOT easy.

We also went over Lesson 21. This is due on WEDNESDAY. I will post examples tomorrow night.

Algebra I

Here's another video! (Wouldn't you know, a fire truck or something went by right at the end. You can still hear me though!)