Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Relatively Prime and GCF/Simplifying Fractions Worksheet. Remember, you are doing all of the Relatively Prime side and #1-8 and #13-24 on the GCF side.

Two numbers are relatively prime to each other if their GCF is 1. So, since 8 and 15 only have a 1 in common, they are relatively prime, even though both numbers are composite by themselves. This means that if you had the fraction 8/15, it would be in simplest terms because the GCF is 1. So, when you are finding what numbers are relatively prime to another number, you look at see if the two numbers you are comparing have anything in common besides 1. If not, then they are relatively prime! Email me if you are still stuck.


Math: Review exponents and roots. Let me know if you need help!

Geography: Make a graph of your socio-economic indicator. You will all be making a bar graph. The different countries will go across the bottom and you will color the bars whatever color is indicated on the right. For the y-axis, this will be different for each person. If you have a percent, then make the y-axis go up by percents....depending on how much space is between the percents. If you have an age or number of years, you might go up by 1's or 2's...again, depending on the range of your numbers. If your lowest is 12 and the highest is 75, then you'd probably need to go up by 10's. Please write me if you aren't sure what to do. Please do NOT wait until tomorrow to ask!


Pre-Algebra: We didn't have time in class to do a new assignment. The class played a game and we went over yesterday's homework.

Algebra I: They took the test today! No homework.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey