Monday, December 3, 2012


The assignment for today is to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers. On the worksheet, you will list all the factors for both numbers. Then list the factors they have in common. Last, name the greatest common factor. The biggest factor they have in common. Use your factors list and it'll go a lot faster. On the back, you need to use prime factorization and a Venn diagram to find the GCF of the three pairs of numbers I wrote on the board. I made a video to show you how to do this again, as well as how to find the GCF using lists. It'll be below when it's ready!


Math: More complex order of operations. Do the back side of the worksheet from yesterday. I made a video for you and it will be below when it is ready!

Geography: Those who finished their posters on time, presented them to the class. Then the class took notes over regional conflicts.


Pre-Algebra: Solving decimal two-step equations. I made a video to show you how to move the decimal on each term and solve from there.

Algebra I: We began our review of linear equations and inequalities. Be sure to do #24-32 for tomorrow.

See you then!

Mrs. Swickey