Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today, the class learned how to divide by a decimal number. I made a video to help with the homework. Do all 16 problems! I will embed the video below when it is uploaded.


Math: Today, we practiced on how to answer integer word problems. There is a performance assessment tomorrow! It's hard to study for those, so just be prepared to answer similar questions.

Geography: The class worked on the Unit 1 performance assessment today. They will finish in class tomorrow. Basically, they are using the maps, graphs, charts, and pictures from the Atlas to answer a variety of questions. The students have to figure out which map, chart, etc., they need to use and it is a bit of a challenge!


Pre-Algebra: Equations with a negative variable and two-step equations. I made a video for you with examples. I will embed it below when it finishes uploading.

Algebra I: The students who needed to retake the test, did so today. The other students had study hall time. We will continue working with Real Numbers tomorrow!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. Swickey