Saturday, September 8, 2012


On Friday, I gave the students a review for a quiz. The review says the quiz will be on Monday, but I've changed it to Tuesday. We didn't have any time to start working on the quiz review. Everyone should do the review, as best they can, over the weekend. I will give you a completion grade for having done it. Then on Monday, we will go over the entire review together. The quiz will be Tuesday. This is our first quiz/test so please be ready on Monday to ask questions about why you missed a problem.

I made a video about the homework from Thursday. This assignment was about multiplying decimals when you had to add extra zeros in the answer. This could also help you on the quiz review! I will post it here when it is ready.


Math: Today, the class worked on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers altogether. Before, the problems weren't mixed up. It is very important that integer operations become as easy as math facts, so you will be seeing a lot of practice sheets on this! We will be having a test coming up this next week, so be sure you have the rules memorized and know when to apply them.

Geography: We took notes over bodies of water on Friday and went over the homework from Thursday. No homework this weekend!


Pre-Algebra: Today, the class worked on exponent rules. Everyone understood it pretty easily, but I will make a video anyway. I will post it here when it is ready.

Algebra I: Distributive Property and Factoring. I will make a video and post it here when it is ready! Remember, you do not have to do the top 4 problems (that aren't using distributive property) and you don't have to do the bottom set of problems yet...those are the combining like terms problems. We will be doing those on Monday though, so don't cross them off!

See you on Monday,

Mrs. Swickey