Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6th

Sixth Grade

There is no homework. We played a math game today.

Seventh Grade

Math - We reviewed fractions today. The homework is to do the 10 problems from the board - adding and subtracting fractions.

Geography - We read Chapter 5, Section 2. Do questions #1-5 on the section assessment.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra: Today the class developed experiments to show positive or negative correlations and began testing. We will finish testing tomorrow and graph the data.

Algebra I: Today we continued working with literal equations. If you don't remember how to solve for y, scroll down to yesterday's blog post and click on the Purple Math link. Then click on the second link on that page. There are several examples for solving for y there. For the tables, just plug in the values for x in the equation and solve for y. Let me know if you need help!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. Swickey