Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 31st

Sixth Grade

Today the class practice a little more on reducing fractions and writing mixed numbers as improper fractions. For homework, finish the two handouts.

Seventh Grade

Math - Percent of Change. Remember, you are only doing #2-9 on the worksheet tonight. Follow the steps for Method #1, but if that is confusing, here is another example:

So, in the example, I first found the amount of increase by subtracting the starting amount from the new amount. The amount increased $16. That goes on the top of the fraction. The bottom is always the original amount, which would be the starting price - $22. So I then divided 22 into 16. I added a decimal point and moved it into the answer. Then I added three zeros, just in case I needed to round to the nearest percent. Once I divided, I saw that I did need to round to the nearest percent. Even though I could keep dividing once I'd gone to the third place, I stopped so I could round it. Looking at the 7 in the third place, I saw that it was 5 or bigger which made the 2 round up to a 3. So, my new decimal was 0.73, which is 73%. That's it! Email me if you have any questions.

Geography - We read Chapter 7, Section 3 today - about the Midwest of the US. Answer the questions on the assessment - #1-4 and #7.

Eighth Grade

Both classes played an equations game today to help clarify and solidify slope and y-intercept. Everyone did a great job! No homework.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey