Thursday, August 15, 2013


Today's assignment was to do problems #1-20 on page 2. This is a review page and I want to see how everyone does on their own. I did help people out in class and I'd be happy to answer any questions through email, but this assignment will be a completion grade. I'm looking to see what the 6th graders can and can't do.


Your homework today is to work #6-17 ALL on page 6. This includes the rounding and front end estimation. I made a short video with explanations of each, but please let me know if you still have trouble.


Today, the class worked in pairs on an Atlas Activity out of the texbook. There is no homework because they will finish in class tomorrow. We also found out that not everyone is good with cardinal directions (north, south, east, west). However, each person assigned "north" knew where to go!


No class today because of Mass. See you tomorrow!


Today, the students worked on fraction review. The assignment is p21-23 #2-54 evens, and #84-90 evens.


Today, I showed the knitting class some different projects that can be done if you get really good at knitting! Then, they each found the end of the yarn (not as easy as you'd think) and learned how to cast on stitches. It was a little tricky at first, but everyone was successful! We will continue on Monday with casting on and then begin learning the knit stitch. I'm very excited to be teaching this elective. I think it's going to be a lot of fun! 

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey