Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Today's assignment is #1-6 on page 21 and then the problems I put on the board for #7-15. Remember, you are just naming the decimal for #1-3. Then put #4-6 from the book on the first row of the 10x10 grids I gave you. #7-15 from the board will go in the rest of the grids. You are modeling decimals with the grids. You are NOT doing #7 from the book.


We spent the class time going over the rules for integer addition and subtraction. Everyone practiced on the board. I did not assign homework because there wasn't any time left in class to work on it and I didn't want anyone overwhelmed at home. They will have class time to work tomorrow.


The class wrote down the next set of key terms for Unit 1. The homework tonight is to define this list. The class then worked on making a map of their very own island! They will continue working on them tomorrow.


Today's assignment is worksheet "Reteaching 1-3" - it is extra practice with adding and subtracting integers. Then, choose 10 problems from #1-18 to write a word problem with on the back of your paper. Remember, one of them must be "minus a negative" problem. Here are some examples:


Today, the class worked on multiplying and dividing real numbers. The assignment is p56, #22-84, 104-114 evens. Send me an email if you get stuck!


Today, the groups continued working on their design and writing about the process. One team successfully tested their parachute! They will have the chance to redesign on Friday to try to improve their time. The slowest parachute will be considered the best.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. Swickey