Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today, you are rounding again! I made a video for you that explains each section. It's not fully uploaded yet, but it should be soon. I will come back and update this spot to embed the video. If you are anxious, you can also try my YouTube channel: swickey678. It shouldn't take too long! it is now!


Math: Subtracting Integers. Remember the rules:

Change the subtraction sign to addition and change the sign of the NEXT number. Then, just follow the adding integer rules!

Geography: Map Activity worksheets. Everyone finished painting their globes today! Well...actually, not everyone finished, but today was our last day to paint. They turned out terrific.


Pre-Algebra: Today, we started working on multiplying in scientific notation. It is a bit complicated, so the class does not have to do the homework tonight. If you feel so moved and want to try a few, that's fine. But we will work on them in class tomorrow!

Algebra I: Order of Operations using the Distributive Property. Just do #1-9 on the front side of the worksheet. We will continue practicing these tomorrow and you will finish the assignment then.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey