Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, September 6th

Sixth Grade

Today the class practiced their multiplication skills with 4 digit by 1 digit and 2 digit by 2 digit. The homework is a worksheet You need to do all of the 4 digit by 1 digit problems and then the first two rows of the 2 digit by 2 digit on the bottom.

Seventh Grade

Math - We continued working with Order of Operations today. There will be a test on Friday over all the skills learned so far. The homework is a worksheet over order of operations.

Geography - There is no homework today as the class took a quiz over landforms and water forms.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - More practice with Order of Operations. The class also practiced integers today. the homework is an Order of Operations worksheet.

Algebra I - Translating statements into expressions and evaluating expressions. The assignment is #29-60 on the handout.

Write if you need help!

See you tomorrow,
Mrs. Swickey