Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, September 29th

Sixth Grade

Prime Factorization by using the factor tree or division by primes. Remember, to find the prime factorization of any number, you first think about what numbers go into it. If you are doing the factor tree, you don't have to focus on only prime numbers. For example, if you have to find the prime factorization of 32, you can start with 8 x 4 - neither of those are prime, so you would keep going, 8 is 2 x 4, then that 4 is 2 x 2. The first 4 is also 2 x 2. So you end up with 2 x 2 x 2 x 2. To do this with division by primes, you'd first divide 32 by 2, then you'd have 16 and you'd divide it by 2, then you'd have 8 and you'd divide it by 2 giving you 4 so you divide one last time by 2 to get 2. That's 5 2's altogether, so you still get 2 x 2 x 2 x 2.

Now...if that explanation is confusing or you are still stuck, you can email me tonight or ask me in class tomorrow.

Seventh Grade

Math - Computation Review. Remember, I don't want you getting help on this. Just do your best so I can see how much you remember.

Geography - There is a test tomorrow over Chapter 4 so be sure to study tonight!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra: Decimal and Fraction Computation Quiz is tomorrow.

Algebra I: Equations Test is tomorrow. Be sure to look over all your notes and go back through the blog looking for examples.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey