Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 15th

Sixth Grade

We did not have math class today so there is no homework!

Spelling Unit 16 will be due on January 5th - that is the WEDNESDAY after the break.

Literature - We just read from The Golden Goblet. We are getting closer to finishing!

Seventh Grade

For the Christmas party on Friday, remember to bring a gift worth $5.00 or less. Make sure it could be for a boy or a girl and that it is something YOU would like to receive. NO GAG GIFTS.

Literature - We read from "A Christmas Carol" today and the homework is TAS #1-8 and AL #1-3, for Act I. These questions are in the middle of the play, after Act I and before Act II.

Math - Lesson 46. Practice and #1-15 only.

Spelling Unit 16 is due on Friday!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. Here are the problems to the practice test worked out - with answers!

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey