Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29th

Sixth Grade

Literature - We read more of The Golden Goblet today. I gave the class a list of 14 vocabulary words to define. Look them up in a dictionary or online. Please bring them to math class tomorrow!

Math - Lesson 22. Equal Groups. Remember, if the problem asks you to draw a diagram to illustrate the problem, the illustration will be part of the grade. Here is an example:

Seventh Grade

Literature - We began reading "A Boy and A Man" today. We will finish reading tomorrow and answer questions then! No homework.

Grammar - pp. 46-48. Exercises A and B. Write the sentences on A. Just write the complete verb phrase on B.

Vocabulary - Unit 3 test is tomorrow! Please study the words as well as your Idioms list for Unit 3.

Math - Lesson 20. Exponents, Area, and Square Root

Remember that the exponent tells you how many times to multiply the number by ITSELF. Don't make the mistake of multiplying by the exponent or ADDING the number! For rectangular area, remember to just multiply the length x width. Also, if you are given the perimeter of a square - for example, if a square has a perimeter of 24 inches - and are asked to find the area, first, find out how long EACH side is. You divide the 24 by 4 to get 6. So each side is 6 inches long. Now you can find the area by multiplying 6 x 6. Remember, on a square, since all the sides are the same, you find area by multiplying side x side. The area would be 36.

Square roots are the opposite of squaring a number. If you needed to find the square root of 100, you have to think about what number multiplied by itself gives you 100? The answer is 10.

Eighth Grade

The assignment for both groups is Lesson 18. Everyone was doing really well in class with the new concepts, so I won't do any examples. Email me if you have a question though! Remember that my email is swickey678 at gmail dot com.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey