As a reminder to everyone - If you need to email me, please write to:
swickey678 at gmail dot com. (replacing the word at with @ and the word "dot" with . ) My school email is not working right now!
Sixth Grade
Spelling - Unit 5 was due today! If you didn't finish, please finish this evening and turn it in tomorrow.
Literature - The class took a Selection Test over "The King of Mazy May" today. We also began reading a novel as a class - The Golden Goblet. It is a tie-in to their Ancient History chapter over Ancient Egypt. I think it'll be a lot of fun and very interesting! The students need to be working on their book reports. They should be finishing reading their selection in the next week and working on the assignments for the reports. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Math -Lesson 21 is due tomorrow!
Seventh Grade
Spelling - Unit 6 is due on Friday! Please do not wait until the last minute to finish the unit.
Vocabulary - Unit 3 was due today. There will be a test on Thursday!
Literature - The class took a Selection Test over "The Ransom of Red Chief" today.
Math - Lesson 19. Perimeter.
Eighth Grade
Both classes finished up tests from last Friday, but I still assigned a new lesson.
Pre-Algebra - Lesson 17. Area problems. One of your practice problems is a little different from the example in the book. I have done one like it below. The first picture is the one from the book. The second and third picture are like your practice B and #8.

Algebra I. Lesson 17. The important parts to remember from this lesson are that when I refer to a coefficient, I am talking about the numerical coefficient. (The same applies for when a coefficient is mentioned in the textbook.) Also, terms are always separated by addition or subtraction signs. If you have multiplication or division, whatever is being multiplied or divided, even if it is an expression, is ONE term. Don't worry about the practice problems that expect you to distribute when what is in parentheses are just numbers. It is just showing you how the answer is the same! I'm not picky about that. Practice D is just asking you to write down what is in the "Distributive Property" box on page 76.
Here is an example of distributive property:

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey