Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, September 15th

Sixth Grade

Literature - You need to finish the questions from Dragon, Dragon that I posted yesterday. These are due tomorrow! Also, I passed out worksheets that go along with the story. These are also due tomorrow. Even though we don't have Literature class tomorrow, you will turn them in during math.

Spelling - The class took the pretest for Unit 4 today. Unit 4 will be due next Tuesday! The students will get their Spelling books back tomorrow during math class.

Math - The class took Test 2 today. I also taught Lesson 16. This is due tomorrow! The new concept was very easy for the students. Rounding, estimating, and bar graphs. Remember when you round a number to a specific place, that you underline the number in that place, and draw an arrow to the number AFTER it. The number with the arrow tells you what to do to the number underlined. If the number with the arrow is 5 or greater, the number underlined goes UP one. If the number with the arrow is 4 or less, the number underlined STAYS THE SAME. The numbers after the number underlined turn to zeros. For example:

Round 237,025 to the nearest ten thousand. First, you need to figure out which number is in the ten thousands place. Using a place value chart, you can see that the 3 is in the ten thousands place. Underline the 3 and draw an arrow to the 7. Since the 7 is greater than 5, it makes the 3 go up one. Then the 7 and the rest of the numbers to the right turn to zeros. So your answer would be: 240,000

Seventh Grade

Literature - Answer the following questions from Rikki Tikki Tavi. Thinking About the Selection #1-8 and Analyzing Literature #1-4. Be sure to use complete sentences for each answer! This is due tomorrow.

Writing - Write a paragraph describing your object from class today. Be as descriptive as possible! We will begin editing our first drafts tomorrow.

Spelling - Unit 4 is due tomorrow! The test is also tomorrow, so be sure you are studying!

Math - Lesson 14. Parts of a whole. Everyone really understood today, so I won't do any examples. If you need help, please EMAIL ME!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. Lesson 15. Remember, to change fractions into decimals, you just divide the bottom number into the top. If the decimal repeats, write a bar over the repeating numbers. To round a repeating number, first identify how many places you need in order to round to the given place. So, if you are rounding to the nearest hundred thousandth, you would need 6 places after the decimal. (The hundred thousandth place is the 5th place, so you need one number past it.) Write your repeated digits until you have 6 numbers. Underline the 5th number and look at the 6th number to see if you need to round it. For example, if you are given the number 25.6464...
(the 64 repeats), you would write 25.646464

Now, look at the 6th place. It is a 4 so it would make the 6 that is in the hundred thousandth place stay the same. You would have 25.64646 without a bar over anything.

Algebra I - Lesson 15. Surface Area. I made a video, but it's going to take awhile to upload and convert to the right format. If I can't get it uploaded by 8:30, I'll do examples like I usually do. Whenever the video works. I'll still post it, but it might be much later. I'm sorry! Hang in there and check back in an hour.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey