Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 11th

Sixth Grade

Lesson 102. Perimeter of complex shapes. Remember, to find the missing sides, use the other sides that are the same. Look at the other vertical sides, to find the missing vertical side. Look at the other horizontal sides to find the missing horizontal side.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Remember, the unit is due on Friday!

Literature - Worksheet over Chapters 23, 24, and 25. Due tomorrow!

Math - Lesson 9-7 #2-20 All and #22-28 evens.

For the front, you will need to know the name of polygons and how many sides and angles each has. (Hint - a four sided polygon has four angles - they are always the same!)

For the triangles at the bottom, here is an example:

To find the sum of the interior angles of a polygon, you will use the formula (n-2) times 180, where n = the number of sides in the polygon. Here is an example:

To find the measure of each interior angle on a regular polygon, you would do the exact same thing as above to find the sum of all the interior angles and then divide by how many sides there are. If the above was a regular octagon (which it isn't because the sides aren't all equal), then we would have divided 1080 by 8 to find out the measure of each. You will do that on #26 and 28.

Eighth Grade

Lesson 12-7, #2-12. Volume of Spheres. Here is an example:

Remember, if you are given the diameter, you FIRST have to divde it by two to get the radius. Then do everything as above. Also, for the fraction 1/3, you can just use 0.3 (so, 2 1/3 would be 2.3)

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey