Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3rd

Sixth Grade

Lesson 99. To find the volume, remember to multiply length times width times height.

Seventh Grade

Vocabulary - We discussed the words today. Do the vocabulary cards the same as for unit 14. Do all 20 cards, but on 10 of them draw a COLOR picture representing the word or tape a printed picture or clip art. Cards are due on Thursday. The unit will be due Monday.

Literature - We read part of Chapter 22 from Tom Sawyer. Finish reading the chapter tonight.

Spelling - Unit 34. First two pages.

Math - Lesson 9-2. #2-44 evens. Be sure to use the notes you take in your Geobook. For the problems involving the clock, think about how many 5 minute segments there are on a clock. You won't divide 360 by 5, but by the number of 5 minute segments. Then, you will use this to find the reflex angle for 4 o'clock.

Eighth Grade

Polyhedrons - Finish your octahedron from class and do one other polyhedron that I passed out today.