Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thursday, October 28th

Sixth Grade

Today, the class took a test. There is no homework!

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Vocabulary Connections pages.

Vocabulary - There is a test tomorrow! Be sure you are studying the words and the idioms for Unit 5.

Literature - Read the rest of Chapter 7 from Treasure Island and Chapter 8. Write the vocabulary words from Parts I & II on index cards. This will be a grade, so don't forget!

Grammar - pp. 319-320. Exercise C and DWS. Be sure you are following the directions for both parts! If you aren't sure how to do something in the DWS, look back in the chapter for an explanation.

Math - Lesson 3-2. #2-14 ALL. #16-32 Evens.

On the first page, you are looking at the replacement set and testing to see which numbers in that set fit into the given inequality. Here are a few examples:

Inequality Replacement Set Solution Set
y>4 R={0,2,4,6...} S={6,8,10...}

In the above example, you are supposed to determine which numbers from the replacement set would make the inequality a true statement. Because 0, 2, and 4 are not GREATER THAN 4, none are part of the solution. The three dots (an ellipses) means that the pattern continues the same - which is counting by 2's. Because of that, the numbers that would make the inequality true are all even numbers from 6 and up. So, you write three numbers to establish the pattern and then the ellipses. Your answer would be the solution set - what I have bolded.

Inequality Replacement Set Solution Set
x≤ -3 R={-5,-4,-3,-2,-1} S={-5,-4,-3}

In the above example, the replacement set does not contain an ellipses so it is ONLY the numbers in the brackets. Since the only numbers that are less than OR equal to -3 are -5,-4, and -3, those are the only numbers in the solution set.

If there are NO numbers in the replacement set that would work in the inequality, it is called the "empty set". You can write it as a zero with a line through it, or draw brackets with nothing inside. This is something I skipped over today. If it still doesn't make sense, don't worry! I will go over it tomorrow before we grade.

Number Lines:

Given the number line above, if you are asked to write an inequality of the graph, first look at the number where the arrow starts. Because the circle is filled in, then you know that it will be an "or equal to problem". Because the arrow goes to the right, this represents all the numbers greater than 1. So you show the inequality by writing a variable, which stands for "all the numbers that are" and then the inequality sign, and then the number that the arrow starts at. So what you have is "all the numbers that are greater than or equal to one".

y ≥ 1

If you have to draw a number line from a graph, you would do the following:

y < -2

Since you are going to graph "all the numbers that are less than negative 2" you would start by drawing the number line and numbering the tick marks. Then, draw an OPEN circle at negative 2. You do this because you are graphing all the numbers that are less than -2, so it doesn't include -2. Then, draw the arrow going to the left to show that you are graphing numbers LESS than -2. Your graph would look like this:

Eighth Grade

There is a test tomorrow over Radicals! Be sure you are reviewing the Test Review that I gave you today. Finish the last few problems at home.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey