Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, Oct. 12th

I'm sorry this is so late. I stayed for a conference at school this evening.

Sixth Grade

Lesson 29. Multiplying and reducing fractions. When you multiply two fractions, you just multiply the numerators together and then multiply the denominators together. Then, check to see if the numerator and the denominator have a common factor (or if there is a number that will go into both of them). If there is, then divide both parts of the fraction by that number to make a reduced fraction. For example:

First, you multiply 3x8 and 4x9. Then, because 24 and 36 can both be divided by 12, do that and you end up with the reduced fraction 2/3.

If you have a whole number multiplied by a fraction, remember to put the whole number over 1 and then multiply.

Seventh Grade

Vocabulary - Unit 4 is due tomorrow! Don't forget to finish the unit.

Spelling - First two pages of Unit 9.

Grammar - Today, we began discussing a new writing assignment. The class will begin writing the paragraph tomorrow. Don't forget to pick your object to write about!

Math - Lesson 2-8. Two-step equations. I will give several examples:

First, eliminate the constant term that is on the same side as the variable. Remember, the constant term is the one that is NOT stuck to the variable. In the above example, the constant is the 10. Subtract 10 from both sides. Then you have the equation 3x=21. Divide each side by 3 and you get x=7.

Here is another example:

Here, you again eliminate the constant term, 21, by subtracting it from both sides. Then, you have to divide by -4 on both sides to get the answer -4.

Another example with fractions:

Here, you would still eliminate the costant term first. Then, multiply by the denominator on both sides to eliminate what the variable is being divided by. That's it!

To solve the ones with the variable in the denominator, just multiply both sides by the variable. This will eliminate the variable from being in the denominator and move it over to be multiplied by the number on the other side. Then, it's a regular equation.

#2-18 ALL.

8th Grade

Lesson 2-8, #2-44 EVENS.

If you are supposed to simplify the square root of 250, start by finding the prime factorization of 250. This is: 2x5x5x5. Write it like this:

Then, for every PAIR of numbers, cross them off and put ONE of that number on the outside of the square root sign. What is left inside gets multiplied together, but stays inside.

If what is inside the square root sign is a fraction, just find the square root of the numerator, then find the square root of the denominator. They will only give you denominators that are perfect squares, so you will have rational numbers in the denominator. The numerator might look like the above problem.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey