Thursday, August 14, 2014


I am very excited about the new year with sixth grade! I can tell they are going to be a fun bunch. Tonight's homework is page 2, #1-20. It is due tomorrow! I am looking to see how well remember concepts taught in 5th grade. This assignment will be a completion grade, so don't worry if you are having trouble.

We have a small group in 7th grade math this year, but we are going to have fun! Tonight's homework is page 2 #1-21. I am looking to see what you remember, so I will be giving you a completion grade for this assignment. Don't worry if you are having trouble.

We have spent the first few days talking about current events in the world and learning about the lines of latitude and longitude. There is no homework tonight!


We have a big group in Pre-Algebra this year! I am excited to see so many 7th graders take up the challenge of Pre-Algebra. It'll be a fun year. The homework for tonight is page 12 #6-20. Here is a video with some examples to help you.


I am looking forward to a great year in Algebra I! I have a great group of kids and we will have a lot of fun - hard work - but fun too. Tonight's homework is page 14-15 #14-76 evens. Please let me know if you have any questions.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey