Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday, March 27th

Sixth Grade

Homework #2 - Today is a continuation of yesterday. Remember, if you are given the price per pound and the number of pounds to buy, you will just multiply the price by the number of pounds to find out how much it's going to cost. If you are given the price per pound and the number of kilograms to buy though, you first need to change the number of kilograms to number of pounds. Since each kilogram has 2.2 pounds, you would just multiply the number of kilograms times 2.2. For example, if you had 4 kilograms of broccoli and you wanted to know how many pounds that weighed, you would multiply 4 times 2.2 and get 8.8 pounds. Then, if you know the price per pound, you'd multiply 8.8 times that to get your answer. Remember to move your decimal the correct number of places and round to the nearest cent, like we did yesterday!

Seventh Grade

Math - Finish the Deep Sea Challenger questions if you didn't finish in class.

Geography - Chapter 15, Section 3. Read the section and write 10 things down that you think should be on the test from this section.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra: Homework #2 - Solving inequalities. Here are a few examples. Remember, if you have to multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, that flips the sign. If you have to add or subtract to get the variable alone, that never flips the sign. Be sure to pay attention to the signs when adding and subtracting. Here are a few examples. You can click on the picture to make it bigger. Send me an email if you still need help.

Algebra I: Homework #2 - Adding and multiplying radicals. See the examples on your paper. If you are confused, send me an email! Tell me what number you need help with.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey