Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26th

Hello! We had a great first day back after Spring Break. My Mimio Pad is not working right now, so I'm going semi-low tech tonight for your examples. You can click the pictures to make them bigger to read. I hope they are still useful!

Sixth Grade

Assignment #1 - Kitchen Math - Buying Produce. In this assignment the students are practicing multiplying and dividing decimal numbers, rounding decimals, and conversions. There are a few tricky bits with the conversions.

If you are given the cost per pound and the number of pounds wanted, it's just multiplication. Remember to move the decimal over the number of times a decimal is in the answer and round if you have to. See example 1 in the picture below.

If you are given the cost per kilogram and the number of pounds wanted, you first have to find the cost per pound. Since there are 2.2 kg in a pound, you can divide the price by 2.2. Remember, if it doesn't divide evenly, and I don't think any of them do, you will have to divide to three places after the decimal and round to the nearest cent. See example 2 in the picture below.

Seventh Grade

Math - We played a probability game in class today that we will finish up tomorrow. No homework!

Geography - Chapter 15, Section 2. Do questions #1-6 of the section assessment. For #6, do a good job of writing the letter! Imagine being back in that time and seeing the changes happening.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Homework #1. Naming and drawing inequalities. Everyone finished in class so I won't do any examples.

Algebra I - Homework #1. Radicals. Here are three examples for the different types of problems you will do. If you have any questions, just email me!

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey