Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, March 21st

Sixth Grade

Literature - We read "Eleven" today. Answer the following questions:

Thinking About the Selection #1-8
Analyzing Literature #1-4
Critical Thinking and Reading #1-3

Spelling - Unit 26 is due on Thursday. No Vocabulary Connections this week!

Math - Lesson 73. Remember, to change a a fraction to a decimal, divide the bottom number into the top. Always drop the top number down into the division box, add a decimal and zeroes, then divide. To change a mixed number into a decimal, first make it an improper fraction and then divide the bottom into the top - adding a decimal point to the end and extra zeroes.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 27 is due on Friday.

Vocabulary - Unit 8 is due Thursday. 10 sentences are due tomorrow.

Literature - We read "The Sneaker Crisis" today. Answer the following questions:

Thinking About the Selection #1-7
Analyzing Literature #1-3
Critical Thinking and Reading #1-2

Math - Lesson 74. Remember, to write the equations as fractions, change the "of" to multiplication, and the "is" to an = sign. Don't change the order of the words and numbers. For example, 50 is what fraction of 250, would change to 50=f x 250

Then, you would divide both sides by 250. That means the 250 goes away on the right side and is written underneath the 50 on the left side - like a fraction. Since you want a fraction and not a decimal, just reduce!

Practice and evens only.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Lesson 74. Practice and evens.

Algebra I - Lesson 74 - Practice and evens.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey