Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday, November 11th

Sixth Grade

Literature - No homework!

Spelling - Work on Unit 12. It is due on Tuesday.

Math - Lesson 36.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 12 is due tomorrow! Be sure to study tonight and finish the unit.

Literature - Treasure Island Chapter 1 questions. (Many students finished in class.) Just as a reminder, Jim Hawkins is the narrator - the boy who is telling the story. Billy Bones is the inn's guest who wants to be called "captain" and is creepy.

Vocabulary - Unit 5. Write 10 sentences with 10 of the words. The unit and cards will be due on Tuesday.

Math - Lesson 31.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra took a test today. No homework! (unless you are missing work)

Algebra I - There is a test tomorrow. The class worked through a practice test today.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey