Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 8th

Sixth Grade

Literature - We read from The Golden Goblet today and went over the vocabulary words for Section 2 Set 2. There will be a quiz tomorrow, so be sure to study the words! Also, there was another assignment due today that wasn't on the blog over the weekend. Some students forgot about it. It is the chapter 5 questions. I sent home a copy of the questions with 5 students today (including those whose parents I spoke with Friday afternoon). This needs to be turned in tomorrow.

Spelling - Unit 11 is due tomorrow. You do not have to do Vocabulary Connections this week! The test is also tomorrow. PLEASE STUDY!

Math - Lesson 35. Writing decimal numbers as fractions. Remember, if you can read the decimal, you can write it as a fraction. 0.9 is read as "nine tenths" so you write THAT fraction: 9/10

To write a fraction as a decimal, it's just the reverse. The bottom number tells you the decimal place. So, the fraction 3/10 is read as "three tenths" so there is a 3 in the tenths place - the place right after the decimal. This is written as 0.3

To write a decimal number in words, remember, if you can READ it, you can write it. You know the place to say at the end by looking at the place value chart. What place is the last number in? For example, in the number 30.025, the 5 is the last decimal place. It is in the thousandths, so you would read it like this: "thirty AND twenty-five thousandths"

The decimal point always says "AND".

Seventh Grade

This afternoon, each student received a communique, a Thanksgiving dinner sign-up, and a sign-up for eye testing.

Spelling - Unit 12. This is a unit review. I sent home a home study sheet with the words you will need to know.

Math - I sent home a practice test to be worked on at home. Please do not finish the Investigation. We will have time to do it together. There is a math test tomorrow. We will go over the practice test first.

Literature - We discussed how to write an essay for the book reports. Today, we focused on character and used a character from the play, "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street" as everyone understood the story really well. You are to write a rough draft of an essay tonight on one of the following four characters: Les, Steve, Charlie, or The Woman. Focus two or three character traits. Tell how those traits impact the story and other characters. Maybe your character made other people think a certain way (like Tommy), or maybe your character made the story more tense. Don't forget a topic sentence (introduction sentence) and a concluding sentence.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Lesson 35. Subtracting Mixed Numbers. Remember, to subtract mixed numbers, you first have to find a common denominator. Once you've done that, check to make sure the top numerator is bigger than the bottom numerator. If so, subtract like normal. If the top numerator is SMALLER than the bottom numerator, you will have to borrow from the top whole number. Take one away from the whole number. Then, to find the new top numerator, add the denominator to numerator. For example, if the mixed number was 3 1/10, you would borrow from the 3 and add 10 to 1. You would now have 2 11/10.

Algebra I - Factoring the Greatest Common Factor and Canceling.

To factor the greatest common factor, you first FIND the GCF as learned in Lesson 34. Next, you factor OUT of each term the GCF. This means that you take it out of each. Think about how it's a FACTOR. You aren't subtracting, but it's like dividing. Here are a few examples:

My mimio pad is acting up so I can't do any more examples. PLEASE email me if you have any questions! I'll check my email several times tonight.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey