Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 31st

Sixth Grade

Literature - Answer questions over "Zlateh the Goat": Thinking About the Selection #1-6, Analyzing Literature #1-2, and Critical Thinking and Reading #1-3.

Math - Lesson 9. Ordering Numbers. This was easy for everyone today, so I won't include any examples. If you get stuck, you can always email me though.

Seventh Grade

Literature - We finished reading the story, "The Third Wish". Answer the questions: Thinking About the Selection #1-9. Analyzing Literature #1, Critical Thinking and Reading - all.

Spelling - Unit 2 is due on Friday! Don't forget. Please use the time during the week to work on the unit.
Math - Lesson 8. Fractions, Percents, and the Ruler. To find what percent a fraction is, divide 100 by the denominator and then multiply that by the numerator. For example, to find what percent 3/20 is, divide 100 by 20 to get 5 and then multiply that by 3 = 15%

On the ruler, take your time and hold the ruler steady as you measure. If what you are measuring lines up with one of the littlest marks, count in sixteenths - count EACH mark over (including the bigger marks). If it lines up with one of the bigger marks, then you can count by eighths or fourths. You first have to count how many of THOSE marks there are between the inch sections. It's hard to explain on the blog. If you have trouble, I'll help you tomorrow.

Eighth Grade

Both groups worked on a practice test today. The first test is tomorrow. Please remember that you must turn in your practice test WITH ALL WORK SHOWN in order to get the completion grade for it. I will not give you the completion grade if you don't show the work. If you have trouble on a problem on the practice test, I will help you before you start.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey