Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Today's assignment is page 263 #2-20. You are multiplying fractions. (I'm not sure if the page number is correct, but that's close....just find the page on multiplying fractions! Here is a video with some examples:

Practice with combining like terms. Most everyone finished in class.


The class presented their quipus. Then we read about Simon Bolivar and the independence of the countries of Gran Colombia. You need to do the questions A, B, C, D, & E on the pages about whether Gran Colombia should remain united or Venezuela should become independent of Gran Colombia.


We began reviewing for the Linear Equations test. The test will be early next week...probably on Tuesday. You do NOT have to do any more of the review tonight, but please let me know if there is anything that we did today in class that you would like more help with.


We began reviewing for the unit test. I want to first make sure everyone understands the concepts taught this unit (I know there are some difficult ones) and then I will decide when the test will be. Most likely, it will be on Tuesday. No homework!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. Swickey