Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 24th

Sixth Grade

Double Line Graphs - Many students were able to get mostly finished and ask any questions during class. If you have any other questions, send me an email!

Seventh Grade

Math - Today we learned a card game that reinforces adding and subtracting integers. Students, teach your parents how to play and you will get better and better at integers! The assignment is more practice with adding and subtracting integers. Follow the rules on yesterday's blog post for how to do them. And as always, email me if you have any questions!

Geography - The students had played the math game for about 10 minutes during math class and they wanted to play some more. I thought this would be good to fully understand the game and have practice with integers, so we continued math during Geography time. We will be back to Geography tomorrow!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - I taught the new concept today, but there is no homework! The class will get the assignment tomorrow.

Algebra I - Solving quadratic equations using the quadratic formula! I taught them how to remember the formula using the song "Pop Goes the Weasel". Sing it to your parents! You can go to this page to see examples of the quadratic formula. Ignore the graphs - we won't be doing those this year - and ignore the rounding the answer. Be sure to click to the next page at the bottom for more examples. Again, ignore the graphs and since you do not know "complex solutions" (those with imaginary numbers), then any problem with a negative number under the radical (as the discriminant) will not have a solution. Write "no solution" on those.

Again, email me if you are stuck!

See you tomorrow,
Mrs. Swickey