Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22nd

Sixth Grade

Spelling - Unit 23 was due today.

Literature - We began reading "Lob's Girl". We will finish tomorrow.

Math - Practice Test. The class can earn 50 extra credit points by finding problems from the book like each of the practice test problems, writing the Lesson and problem number, and working the problem. It's a lot of work, but 50 points is a lot of extra credit! Plus, it'll be extra practice on the problems that'll be on the test. Email me if you have any questions.

Seventh Grade

Math - Lesson 65. Ratio word problems with totals. Remember when you make your ratio box, that you include a third row for the TOTAL. Also, remember that the total under the ratio column will be the original ratio added together. So, if something has a ratio of 3 to 5. Then the total for the ratio would be 8.

Grammar - Subject/Verb Worksheets

Research Paper - The rough draft is due on Thursday. Remember these points:

Must be typed
12 pt type size
Arial or Times New Roman font only
Double Spaced
No extra spaces between paragraphs
Each paragraph must be indented
One paragraph per topic - there are 6 topics
One Introduction paragraph
One Conclusion paragraph

Also, remember not to write, "This paper is about...." or "Now I'm going to tell you about..." or things like these.

Eighth Grade


Lesson 65 Evens only.

Algebra I - Lesson 65. Practice and evens.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey