Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I'm sorry this is so late! It's been a long day.

Sixth Grade

Lesson 39 - Multiplying decimals. Remember, the important thing about multiplying decimals is to worry about where the decimal goes until after you've multiplied. You don't have to line up the decimals to multiply. Just ignore the decimals and multiply the numbers. Then, when you have finished multiplying, count how many numbers are AFTER a decimal in the problem. For example, if you had the problem 3.5 x 0.25, there would be three numbers after decimals, the 5 in 3.5, and the 2 and 5 in 0.25. So, you would count over three places from the right and put your decimal there. In the above problem, after multiplying you would have 875 - count over three places from the right of the 5 and you would have 0.875.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 12. Make sure you are working on the unit. It needs to be finished by Friday!

Vocabulary - Unit 6 cards are due on Monday and the unit is due Tuesday.

Literature - We read part of Chapter 13 in class today. Finish reading the chapter at home tonight.

Grammar - We worked on direct quotations today. For homework, complete Exercise B on page 335-336.

Math - We went over yesterday's assignment but did not have time for a new lesson due to Archbishop Beltran's visit!

Eighth Grade

Lesson 3-4, #6-40 Evens. Solving Equations with addition and subtraction. Remember, to solve these equations, you have to first check to see if you can combine any like terms on one side of the equals sign. For example, in the problem 5.8 + x -3.2 = 6.7, you can combine the 5.8 and -3.2 because they are both constant terms and are both on the left of the equals sign. After combining them, you have 2.6 + x = 6.7. Now, you need to get the variable by itself on one side so you need to subtract 2.6 from both sides. Your answer would be 4.1. Remember, you get the variable alone, by eliminating what is with it. To do that, you must subtract it if the number is positive, or add it, if the number is negative. In this problem, b - 3.5 = -7.2, you would ADD 3.5 to both sides because it has a minus sign in front of it. Then, to add 3.5 to -7.2, you would actually subtract the numbers because 7.2 is negative and 3.5 is positive. The answer would be -3.7. It is negative because 7.2 is bigger than 3.5 so you use its sign.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey