Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, February 7th

** To All Students **

If school is canceled this week, any assignments due the day school is canceled, will then be due on the day we return. Please don't use the possibility of being out of school as an excuse to not do your homework!

Sixth Grade

Literature - There will be a Selection Test over "Greyling" tomorrow. Please review the essay question I gave you today and be prepared to write the essay in class tomorrow.

Spelling - Unit 21 will be due on Wednesday. You do not have to do Vocabulary Connections for this unit, but you DO have to do the Challenge page!

Math - Lesson 59 and 60. On Lesson 59, do the practice and #1-10 only. On Lesson 60, do the practice and #4-15 only. This will be counted as one assignment.

For Lesson 59, you are just adding three fractions or whole numbers. You do the exact same thing as if it were two fractions or whole numbers - find a common denominator.

For Lesson 60, you are writing mixed numbers as improper fractions. This is a skill you must have in order to multiply and divide fractions.

Remember the u-turn! Multiply the denominator by the whole number and add the numerator. This is the new numerator. The denominator stays the same.

For example: 3 1/2 would change to 7/2 because 2x3 = 6 + 1 = 7 -- then put the 7 over 2 (denominator stays the same)

Seventh Grade

Research Paper - The outline is due on Wednesday. Remember, you will have 7 Roman numerals. The first is for the Introduction which will contain your thesis statement. The thesis statement is a generalization about your animal. After doing your research, you should have an opinion about your animal and you should be able to draw a conclusion about your animal. The other 6 Roman numerals will be the 6 categories you were researching. Remember, do not write complete sentences on your outline. Write brief phrases or single words. Use subtopics under each main topic by using capital letters - such as A., B., and C. If you need to expand these topics further, you can use regular numbers under these - 1., 2., etc.

Math - Lesson 59. Adding integers. Everyone did very well on these today! You must draw the number lines for now. I will let you know when you don't have to draw them anymore.

Spelling - Unit 22 is due on Friday. You will not have to do the Vocabulary Connections pages this week.

Eighth Grade

Both classes took a test today. No homework!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. Swickey