Thursday, December 20, 2012


The class was on a field trip today! I also will not have them for class tomorrow because of the Christmas parties. I hope everyone has a terrific holiday and I'll see you in January.


I used the math and Geography classes today to give the Geography test. There is no homework! The class worked on redesigning or modifying their igloos for their penguins. We will be testing their new igloos tomorrow!

Don't forget your presents for Secret Santa!


Pre-Algebra: I went over the test with the students who struggled on it. There will be a makeup test tomorrow. No homework!

Algebra I: Solving systems of equations by substitution. I made a video with three more examples. (I'll post it below when it's done uploading.) Remember, I made a mistake on one of the examples on the paper I handed out in class. Please ignore that! I apologize for the confusion. You are solving all 10 on your homework. Be sure that each answer is an ordered pair. They will all be if you get a fraction, you made a mistake! Please let me know if you have trouble.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


You have a quiz tomorrow over all of the stuff we've done this unit so far! Please finish your quiz review and then watch the following two videos for the answers and explanations. The quiz review will be a completion grade, so be sure to bring it to class tomorrow!


Math: We are continuing our Save the Penguins unit in math and science class. No homework!

Geography: There is a test over this unit on Thursday. We began reviewing today. Be sure to study your notes and we will finish reviewing tomorrow!


Pre-Algebra: Graphing on a coordinate plane and naming quadrants. If you didn't finish at school, be sure to use your notes to finish at home.

Algebra I: Finish the assignment from yesterday. Remember, you are doing #1-6 ALL, and then #8-38 EVENS. I shortened the assignment so you do not have to go all the way to #48. Please follow directions and use the notes I copied for you to help solve these. Remember a solution to a system of equations will be one of the three things: an ordered pair, no solution, or infinitely many solutions. So, if you are asked to find the solution by graphing, graph the two equations on the same coordinate plane using slope-intercept form. Where point where they cross is the solution. If they don't cross, but are parallel, then the solution is "no solution". If you end up graphing the same exact line, then the solution is "infinitely many solutions".

Next, if you are asked to write whether the system is independent, dependent, or consistent, then remember these things:

A system with one ordered pair solution is INDEPENDENT.

A system that is parallel with no solution is INCONSISTENT.

 A system that gives you two lines that are exactly the same are DEPENDENT.

That's it! If you have any questions, let me know.

See you kn about 45 minutes for the Advent play!

Mrs. Swickey

Monday, December 17, 2012


The assignment today is a worksheet practicing reducing fractions. Remember, on the first side, you are writing yes or no for whether or not the fraction is in simplest form. Write yes if it IS in simplest form. If the fraction can be reduced, write NO, because it isn't in simplest form. On the bottom, reduce all the fractions in the maze. Then, connect all the 1/4 fractions to complete the maze. On the back, reduce all the fractions around the rectangle. Then, use a rule to connect the dots of equal fractions. You will see 3 stars formed in the lines inside.


We are working on Save the Penguins this week and today, we used our math and Geography time since the Advent play practice was during Science time. No homework!


Pre-Algebra: We didn't have class today because of the play practice.

Algebra I: We learned how to solve a system of equations by graphing today. The class will work on the homework in class tomorrow, so there is no need to do it tonight.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today you are adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. Remember, add only the numerators and the denominators stay the same. Then, check to see if your answer is an improper fraction. If it is, change it into a mixed number. Then, check to see if your answer can be reduced! That's all there is to it.


Math: Algebraic Expressions. See your notes for help in figuring these out, but let me know if you are stuck! Email or text....I'll always answer.

Geography: We discussed developing and developed countries again today.



You have a test tomorrow over everything in your review! Be sure to go over the fraction equations and the percents. I found a previous video on how to solve two step equations with fractions. You will have equations like these so be sure you understand them. If you work some of the problems from the review, I will check your answers if you send them to me!

Algebra I: Linear Equation and Inequality Applications. It is difficult to do a video since each problem is a little different. I hope that all we discussed in class today will help you solve the rest of each problem. You should have the correct equations and what x and y means for each of them. With those pieces of information, you should be able to graph and answer the questions. If you get stuck, though, let me know! I am happy to help.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The assignment today is to change mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed or whole numbers. I made a video and it'll be uploaded shortly.


Math: Today we played a math dice game that utilized order of operations and exponents. No homework.

Geography: Today, we looked at the graphs of socio-economic indicators that each student made last week to determine which countries were developed and which were still developing. There is no homework tonight!


Pre-Algebra: We began reviewing today for the test, which will be Thursday or Friday.

Algebra I: We went over the test and the linear equations applications from Friday. Then I introduced linear inequality applications, but we will finish this tomorrow. There is no homework!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. Swickey

Sunday, December 9, 2012


We worked on making fractions pieces on Friday. No homework!


Math: The class took a test during the math and Geography time on Friday. (It was the short schedule because of House, so classes were only 25 minutes long.)


Pre-Algebra: Percent problems. Please let me know if you have trouble! I am happy to help.

Algebra I: Linear word problems. I made a video with a few examples, but be sure to look over the examples on the handout as well. My examples may not exactly match the problems on your paper. Remember to think about what each part of the equation represents. If you write the equation in slope intercept form, the y is the whole thing...whether it's salary, total sales, etc. The slope is the thing that gets multiplied by # of sales, # of months, # of items, etc. The y-intercept is the thing that isn't going to be affected by the # of sales, months, items, etc.

The video will be below in a little while. It's almost 9 minutes, so it'll take awhile to upload!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. Swickey

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Relatively Prime and GCF/Simplifying Fractions Worksheet. Remember, you are doing all of the Relatively Prime side and #1-8 and #13-24 on the GCF side.

Two numbers are relatively prime to each other if their GCF is 1. So, since 8 and 15 only have a 1 in common, they are relatively prime, even though both numbers are composite by themselves. This means that if you had the fraction 8/15, it would be in simplest terms because the GCF is 1. So, when you are finding what numbers are relatively prime to another number, you look at see if the two numbers you are comparing have anything in common besides 1. If not, then they are relatively prime! Email me if you are still stuck.


Math: Review exponents and roots. Let me know if you need help!

Geography: Make a graph of your socio-economic indicator. You will all be making a bar graph. The different countries will go across the bottom and you will color the bars whatever color is indicated on the right. For the y-axis, this will be different for each person. If you have a percent, then make the y-axis go up by percents....depending on how much space is between the percents. If you have an age or number of years, you might go up by 1's or 2's...again, depending on the range of your numbers. If your lowest is 12 and the highest is 75, then you'd probably need to go up by 10's. Please write me if you aren't sure what to do. Please do NOT wait until tomorrow to ask!


Pre-Algebra: We didn't have time in class to do a new assignment. The class played a game and we went over yesterday's homework.

Algebra I: They took the test today! No homework.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Today's assignment is simplifying fractions to lowest terms by dividing by the GCF. You need to do #2-48, evens. Here is a video!


Math: You need to complete the order of operations the ones that we didn't do during "I have...what is?" in class. You should have crossed these off this afternoon.

Geography: We took notes in class today. The students have an assignment to complete with a parent. Parents, just answer the questions as best you can. This will help give the students an idea of developing countries. We will be doing an in depth lesson on this tomorrow using one of my favorite sites for country information: CIA World Factbook.


Pre-Algebra: More decimal equations. I made a video with one example.

Algebra I: Finish the last few problems on your review. I will post a video here a little later with the answers!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. Swickey

Monday, December 3, 2012


The assignment for today is to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers. On the worksheet, you will list all the factors for both numbers. Then list the factors they have in common. Last, name the greatest common factor. The biggest factor they have in common. Use your factors list and it'll go a lot faster. On the back, you need to use prime factorization and a Venn diagram to find the GCF of the three pairs of numbers I wrote on the board. I made a video to show you how to do this again, as well as how to find the GCF using lists. It'll be below when it's ready!


Math: More complex order of operations. Do the back side of the worksheet from yesterday. I made a video for you and it will be below when it is ready!

Geography: Those who finished their posters on time, presented them to the class. Then the class took notes over regional conflicts.


Pre-Algebra: Solving decimal two-step equations. I made a video to show you how to move the decimal on each term and solve from there.

Algebra I: We began our review of linear equations and inequalities. Be sure to do #24-32 for tomorrow.

See you then!

Mrs. Swickey

Sunday, December 2, 2012


This is for Friday's homework. On Friday, I gave the class a review sheet for divisibility, factors, and prime factorization. These are the three topics we recently covered. If you have any questions, look back at the videos I've made for these.


Math - Order of Operations with eliminating parentheses. Remember, you are only doing #1-18 on the front side of the worksheet. Here is a video with some examples:

Geography - Your regions poster is due tomorrow!


Pre-Algebra: Solving one-step equations with decimals. Here is a video:

Algebra I: Graphing Inequalities on a coordinate plane. Here is a video:

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Swickey