Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29th

Sixth Grade

Literature - We read more of The Golden Goblet today. I gave the class a list of 14 vocabulary words to define. Look them up in a dictionary or online. Please bring them to math class tomorrow!

Math - Lesson 22. Equal Groups. Remember, if the problem asks you to draw a diagram to illustrate the problem, the illustration will be part of the grade. Here is an example:

Seventh Grade

Literature - We began reading "A Boy and A Man" today. We will finish reading tomorrow and answer questions then! No homework.

Grammar - pp. 46-48. Exercises A and B. Write the sentences on A. Just write the complete verb phrase on B.

Vocabulary - Unit 3 test is tomorrow! Please study the words as well as your Idioms list for Unit 3.

Math - Lesson 20. Exponents, Area, and Square Root

Remember that the exponent tells you how many times to multiply the number by ITSELF. Don't make the mistake of multiplying by the exponent or ADDING the number! For rectangular area, remember to just multiply the length x width. Also, if you are given the perimeter of a square - for example, if a square has a perimeter of 24 inches - and are asked to find the area, first, find out how long EACH side is. You divide the 24 by 4 to get 6. So each side is 6 inches long. Now you can find the area by multiplying 6 x 6. Remember, on a square, since all the sides are the same, you find area by multiplying side x side. The area would be 36.

Square roots are the opposite of squaring a number. If you needed to find the square root of 100, you have to think about what number multiplied by itself gives you 100? The answer is 10.

Eighth Grade

The assignment for both groups is Lesson 18. Everyone was doing really well in class with the new concepts, so I won't do any examples. Email me if you have a question though! Remember that my email is swickey678 at gmail dot com.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 28th

As a reminder to everyone - If you need to email me, please write to:
swickey678 at gmail dot com. (replacing the word at with @ and the word "dot" with . ) My school email is not working right now!

Sixth Grade

Spelling - Unit 5 was due today! If you didn't finish, please finish this evening and turn it in tomorrow.

Literature - The class took a Selection Test over "The King of Mazy May" today. We also began reading a novel as a class - The Golden Goblet. It is a tie-in to their Ancient History chapter over Ancient Egypt. I think it'll be a lot of fun and very interesting! The students need to be working on their book reports. They should be finishing reading their selection in the next week and working on the assignments for the reports. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Math -Lesson 21 is due tomorrow!

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 6 is due on Friday! Please do not wait until the last minute to finish the unit.

Vocabulary - Unit 3 was due today. There will be a test on Thursday!

Literature - The class took a Selection Test over "The Ransom of Red Chief" today.

Math - Lesson 19. Perimeter.

Eighth Grade

Both classes finished up tests from last Friday, but I still assigned a new lesson.

Pre-Algebra - Lesson 17. Area problems. One of your practice problems is a little different from the example in the book. I have done one like it below. The first picture is the one from the book. The second and third picture are like your practice B and #8.

Algebra I. Lesson 17. The important parts to remember from this lesson are that when I refer to a coefficient, I am talking about the numerical coefficient. (The same applies for when a coefficient is mentioned in the textbook.) Also, terms are always separated by addition or subtraction signs. If you have multiplication or division, whatever is being multiplied or divided, even if it is an expression, is ONE term. Don't worry about the practice problems that expect you to distribute when what is in parentheses are just numbers. It is just showing you how the answer is the same! I'm not picky about that. Practice D is just asking you to write down what is in the "Distributive Property" box on page 76.

Here is an example of distributive property:

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 27th


LITERATURE - Write a paragraph of 7-9 sentences answering ONE of the following questions:

What would it be like if:

1. most boys and girls did not go to school?

2. you had to live with someone who was cruel to you and gave you no choices?

3. you had to earn your own living now?

4. you learned that someone you depended on was using you to steal?

5. you knew you would be treated harshly and punished as an adult if someone thought you were committing a serious crime?

Also, complete the worksheets for "King of Mazy May". The Selection Test is tomorrow! Review the essay question I told you about in class.

SPELLING - Unit 5 is due tomorrow! Please be sure you've finished the unit. The test for Unit 5 will also be tomorrow.

MATH - The class took a test today. No homework!


SPELLING - Unit 6 is due on Friday. It is a review unit. Be sure you are studying the word list I sent home today!

GRAMMAR - Linking Verbs - pp. 43-44. Exercise B - Identify the linking verb and the words linked. Do NOT use arrows, but make three columns. In the first column, write the subject. In the second, write the linking verb. In the third, write the word or words linked to the subject.
Exercise C - Follow the instructions.
DWS - Write a sentence using each of the words as a linking verb. Underline the two words that are linked by the verb. (Do NOT draw arrows!)

LITERATURE - Worksheets for "The Ransom of Red Chief". Please follow directions! The Selection Test is tomorrow. Review the essay question I told you about in class.

MATH - Lesson 18. Polygons. Review the information given in the lesson - including the names of polygons and the meanings of the various vocabulary introduced. Remember that "similar" means the figures are the SAME SHAPE and "congruent" means the figures are the SAME SHAPE AND SIZE. On similar shapes, you will have corresponding parts - angles and sides. Think about how the shapes would fit on top of each other if they were rotated or flipped. Then find the corresponding parts.

8th Grade

You will finish your test from Friday in class tomorrow. I hope you all had a great time at the retreat today!

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 23rd

Sixth Grade

Literature - Finish reading "The King of Mazy May" and answer the Thinking About the Selection questions #1-6.

Spelling - Unit 5 is due next Tuesday.

Math - Lesson 20. Greatest Common Factor. Do the practice and EVENS ONLY. Remember, to find the greatest common factor, make a list of the factors of the two numbers and choose the biggest number that is on both lists.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 5 is due tomorrow! The test will also be tomorrow.

Writing - Rewrite your object paragraph, changing any overused words. Be sure to double space your paragraph so that we can go over the paragraphs together and I can write notes about it in the spaces.

Vocabulary - Cards for Unit 3 are due tomorrow. Also, 10 sentences for Unit 3 are due tomorrow. The unit is due next Tuesday and the test will be on Wednesday.

Grammar - pg. 42. Exercise A. Remember, do not do the arrows as the instructions state. Make three columns with the middle column being the linking verb and the other two columns being the words linked.

Math - Lesson 16. Practice and evens only! Remember the big "G" for US Customary units of weight measurement. Also, use the tables in the book to make the conversions.

Eighth Grade

Both classes will have a test tomorrow over material covered in Lessons 1-12. Please go over the practice test this evening.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21st

Sixth Grade

Literature - The students took a Selection Test today. There is no homework!

Spelling - Unit 4 was due today and the students took the Spelling test. No homework!

Math - Lesson 18 - Average and line graphs. Remember, to find the average of a group of numbers, add up all the numbers and divide by how many numbers you added. If you are supposed to find a number halfway between two numbers, that is the same as finding the average. So, you would add the two numbers and divide the sum by two. For the line graphs, remember to read the scale along the left side of the graph carefully, so you know what the interval is.

Seventh Grade

Literature - The class took a Selection Test today. No homework!

Spelling - Unit 5 is due on Friday! Be sure you are working on it and studying the words!

Vocabulary - Please begin working on the cards for Unit 3. We will go over the words and write ten sentences tomorrow.

Math - We did the Capture the Flag activity today! The class used giant protractors taped to boxes to measure the angles to various country flags set up in the parking lot. We will take the information from the activity today and make graphs (or maps of the flags). Whoever gets the most number of points for being the most accurate, wins and dominates the world!

Eighth Grade

Both classes participated in the Capture the Flag activity described in the 7th grade math section. Please remember that Lesson 16 is due tomorrow!

See you then!
Mrs. Swickey

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, September 20th


My school email is not working right now. If you have written and haven't heard back from me, please write again at: swickey678 at gmail dot com.
(No spaces - change at and dot to @ and .)

Sixth Grade

Literature - Today, we went over how to answer the questions from the Literature book. The students have the opportunity to rewrite any answers they missed for up to 20 extra points. There will be a Selection Test over "Dragon, Dragon" tomorrow. I gave the students the essay question that will be on the test. They are welcome to plan their essay and look up examples, but will write the essay during the test.

Spelling - Unit 4 is due tomorrow. The test is also tomorrow! Be sure you study tonight.

Lesson 17 - Number Line: Fractions and Mixed Numbers. When measuring the length of a line to the nearest sixteenth of an inch, think about the "big inch" we made in class. If your line falls on the 14/16 inch mark, that is the same as 7/8 inch. You will write 7/8 inch because it is the same as 14/16 and is the reduced fraction. (We will do more reduced fractions later.) If the line went to the 15/16 inch, that is what you'd write. Here is a big inch and a few lines for examples:

The red line goes to the 3/8 or 6/16 mark. You would write 3/8 inch as the measurement.
The blue line goes to the 11/16 mark. You would write 11/16 inch since there is not another fraction equal to it for that mark. If your line extends past a whole inch mark, remember to put the whole number it passed before the fraction.

Seventh Grade

There is no homework in my classes!

In Literature, we went over the answer to the questions from "Rikki, Tikki, Tavi" and the students who turned in the assignment have a chance to fix their answers for more credit. There is a Selection Test over the story tomorrow. Please review the essay question I told you about in class and think about how you can answer it.

In Language Arts, we went over the Pronouns test. Many students struggled with it. There won't be a makeup test, but I am going to give the students a worksheet to do to reinforce the concepts tomorrow.

Spelling - The class took the pretest for Unit 5. The unit is due on Friday and the test will be Friday. The entire unit is assigned this week.

Math - The class worked on Practice Test 2. The test will be on Wednesday. Tomorrow, we are going to do a fun activity as an introduction to using protractors. Remember to bring sheets or towels to lay on if it is okay with your parents!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Lesson 16. Exponents. Everyone knew how to do these today! The assignment is due on Wednesday since we are going to do the protractor activity tomorrow.

Algebra I - Lesson 16. More complex evaluations. Remember to take your time substituting the values for your variables so you don't miss any negative or subtraction signs! The lesson is due on Wednesday since we are doing the protractor activity tomorrow.

See you then!
Mrs. Swickey

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eighth Grade Video!

8th Grade Examples

Wednesday, September 15th

Sixth Grade

Literature - You need to finish the questions from Dragon, Dragon that I posted yesterday. These are due tomorrow! Also, I passed out worksheets that go along with the story. These are also due tomorrow. Even though we don't have Literature class tomorrow, you will turn them in during math.

Spelling - The class took the pretest for Unit 4 today. Unit 4 will be due next Tuesday! The students will get their Spelling books back tomorrow during math class.

Math - The class took Test 2 today. I also taught Lesson 16. This is due tomorrow! The new concept was very easy for the students. Rounding, estimating, and bar graphs. Remember when you round a number to a specific place, that you underline the number in that place, and draw an arrow to the number AFTER it. The number with the arrow tells you what to do to the number underlined. If the number with the arrow is 5 or greater, the number underlined goes UP one. If the number with the arrow is 4 or less, the number underlined STAYS THE SAME. The numbers after the number underlined turn to zeros. For example:

Round 237,025 to the nearest ten thousand. First, you need to figure out which number is in the ten thousands place. Using a place value chart, you can see that the 3 is in the ten thousands place. Underline the 3 and draw an arrow to the 7. Since the 7 is greater than 5, it makes the 3 go up one. Then the 7 and the rest of the numbers to the right turn to zeros. So your answer would be: 240,000

Seventh Grade

Literature - Answer the following questions from Rikki Tikki Tavi. Thinking About the Selection #1-8 and Analyzing Literature #1-4. Be sure to use complete sentences for each answer! This is due tomorrow.

Writing - Write a paragraph describing your object from class today. Be as descriptive as possible! We will begin editing our first drafts tomorrow.

Spelling - Unit 4 is due tomorrow! The test is also tomorrow, so be sure you are studying!

Math - Lesson 14. Parts of a whole. Everyone really understood today, so I won't do any examples. If you need help, please EMAIL ME!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. Lesson 15. Remember, to change fractions into decimals, you just divide the bottom number into the top. If the decimal repeats, write a bar over the repeating numbers. To round a repeating number, first identify how many places you need in order to round to the given place. So, if you are rounding to the nearest hundred thousandth, you would need 6 places after the decimal. (The hundred thousandth place is the 5th place, so you need one number past it.) Write your repeated digits until you have 6 numbers. Underline the 5th number and look at the 6th number to see if you need to round it. For example, if you are given the number 25.6464...
(the 64 repeats), you would write 25.646464

Now, look at the 6th place. It is a 4 so it would make the 6 that is in the hundred thousandth place stay the same. You would have 25.64646 without a bar over anything.

Algebra I - Lesson 15. Surface Area. I made a video, but it's going to take awhile to upload and convert to the right format. If I can't get it uploaded by 8:30, I'll do examples like I usually do. Whenever the video works. I'll still post it, but it might be much later. I'm sorry! Hang in there and check back in an hour.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14th

To All Parents: The first PTC meeting is tonight! If you attend, your child will get a free jeans day, plus you will learn about what is going on at St. Charles.
I hope to see you there!

Sixth Grade

Spelling - The class took a test over Unit 3 today. I will assign Unit 4 tomorrow!

Literature - The students finished reading "Dragon, Dragon" in class today with the substitute. Actually, I think the class finished reading the story. If not, you need to finish it in order to answer the following questions: Thinking About the Selection #1-9. Analyzing Literature #1-4. For the Analyzing Literature questions, you need to put the answers on a plot chart as shown on the bottom of page 23. Draw the chart large enough so that there is enough room to write the answers onto the chart.

Math - Practice Test 2. There will be a test tomorrow! Be sure you go over the practice test. I will answer any questions before the test begins tomorrow. The homework for tonight is Supplemental 12 on page 689.

7th Grade

Spelling - The unit is due on Thursday this week! Remember that you don't need to do the Vocabulary Connections this week.

Literature - No homework today.

Grammar - The class took a test over pronouns today.

Vocabulary - The class took a test over Unit 2 today.

Math - Lesson 13. Equal Groups. If you have questions about how to solve these, I will answer them tomorrow! I don't have time to put examples on the blog. Sorry!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Lesson 14. Reducing Fractions and Expanding Fractions. If you don't remember how to do these, please send me an email. I will be happy to answer your questions this evening! I don't have time to do examples. Sorry!

Algebra I - Lesson 14. Evaluating Expressions. The trick with these is to make sure that when you plug in the value for the variable, that you don't forget about the signs. That's where these problems trip people up. Here is an example:

Evaluate: xy - (x+y) when x = -2 and y = -3

You would plug in -2 and -3 for x and y.

(-2)(-3) - ( -2 + -3)

6 - (-5) (change minus a negative to plus a positive)

6 + (+5)


Take your time on these and let me know if you have any questions!

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13th

Sixth Grade

Literature - Today, we read part of the short story, "Dragon, Dragon". We will finish reading it tomorrow!

Spelling - Unit 3 is due tomorrow and the test is tomorrow! Be sure to have the unit completed and don't forget to study.

Math - Lesson 15. Equal groups. Remember the equal groups pattern:

# in each group x # of groups = total # in ALL groups

For example: There are 240 chairs in the auditorium. The chairs are set up in rows of 20 chairs per row. How many rows are there?

First, recognize that the 240 chairs is the total # in ALL groups.

Second, recognize that the 20 chairs per row is the # in each group.

Third, recognize that you need to know the # of rows which is the same as the # of groups.

By putting those numbers into the pattern, you get:

20 x N = 240

Now you can see that you need to divide to find out how many rows there are. 240 divided by 20 is 12. So there were 12 rows.

Seventh Grade

Literature - We finished reading Rikki Tikki Tavi. There is no assignment. We will talk about how to answer the questions in the morning and they will be homework for tomorrow night.

Spelling - The class took the pretest for Unit 4 today. You do not have to do the Vocabulary Connections this week since it is a short week. The unit is due on Thursday and the test will be Thursday.

Language Arts - We reviewed the pronouns worksheets that I sent home yesterday. The test is tomorrow!

Vocabulary - The test over Unit 2 is tomorrow. Be sure you are studying both the words and the idioms!

Math - Lesson 12. Problems about comparing and elapsed-time problems.

Anytime a question asks "How many more?" or "How many fewer?" or "How much less?", it is asking a comparing problem. You will always subtract the smaller number from the bigger number to get the difference between the two. Make sure you label correctly by reading the question.

For elapsed time, you will be asked the difference between two dates or asked what the date was a # of years before. For example: Jackie was 28 in 1992. What year was she born? You would subtract 28 from 1992 to get 1964.

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Lesson 13. To find the common factors OR the Greatest Common Factor of two numbers, you can do two different things. First, you could just make of list of the factors of the two numbers and circle the common factors and label the largest the GCF. Second, you can use your knowledge of factor trees. This is especially useful when the numbers are larger. Here is an example:

Algebra I - Lesson 13. Remember to work these problems by symbols of inclusion, starting with the innermost symbols first. Here is one example:

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9th

Sixth Grade

Literature - Book Report Information was passed out to the class today. Be sure to ask questions if you don't understand something! Please have a book picked out by Monday, September 13th. I will need to approve your selection.

Spelling - Unit 3 is due on Tuesday! Be sure you are working on it.

Math - Lesson 13. Larger-Smaller Difference and Later-Earlier Difference Story Problems.

When a problem is asking for "how much greater" or "how much less" or "how many fewer" of something you have, then that is a larger-smaller difference problem. You will need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Remember to label your answer! Go back and READ the question to find out what it is asking. For example:

There are 128 boys and 145 girls at the school. How many fewer boys than girls are there?

Since it is asking "how many fewer" this is a larger-smaller difference problem. You would subtract 145 - 128. The answer is 17. Since it asked "how many FEWER BOYS?" you would write "17 fewer boys" as your answer.

Later-earlier difference problems involve years. For example:

How many years were there between 1776 and 1945?

Since these are years, you would write the later year on top and subtract the earlier year from it.

1945 - 1776

The answer is 169 years. The question asked, "How many YEARS?"

You would do the same thing for finding the age of someone. Subtract the year he/she was born from the year he/she died.

Seventh Grade

Vocabulary - Unit 2 is due tomorrow! So are the cards, so please don't forget!

Spelling - Unit 3 is due tomorrow! The test will also be tomorrow. Please go over the words!

Literature - We are reading Rikki Tikki Tavi in class. No homework! The information about book reports went home today. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Math - Investigation 1. Use your fraction manipulatives to answer the questions. You do not have to do #13 tonight (unless you can figure it out). Do problems #1-30.

Eighth Grade

Pre - Algebra. Finish the practice test. Check your answers with the following answers:

12) 0.738273

13) 710.655

14) 0.05

15) 0.20 (or just 0.2)

16) 783.71

17) 9.866

18) D

19) 3.5568 (don't worry about estimating)

20) D

If you don't understand one of these answers, please let me know!

Algebra I - Please finish the practice test, if you haven't yet, and check the answers with the answer sheet I gave you. (For those that served the funeral and reception.)

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday, September 8th

Sixth Grade

Spelling - Unit 2 was due today and the class took the Spelling test. Because of the weird schedule this week, we also started Unit 3 today! Unit 3 will be due next Tuesday, as usual.

Literature - We talked about book reports today and the kids had a lot of questions. I will give them a handout with all of the dates and information they need to complete the book report tomorrow. The first report is due on October 12th. This means that they need to finish reading hte book before October 12th so they can do the assignment! Students should have picked out a book during Library class this afternoon. If they did not find one, they will need to choose one from a book at home, my class library, or Mrs. Baer's class library. I don't have as many books as Mrs. Baer does, but both of us are willing to let the kids check one out for a report. It is important that they chose a book that is an appropriate reading level. Mrs. Brett and I will help them with finding the right book. Let me know if you have any questions about the reports!

Math - Lesson 12. Place Value. Use the place value chart on page 53 to answer these questions. Remember, if you can SAY the number, you can write it in words! Also remember to use place holder zeros when necessary.

On the multistep problems, just think about each part separately and then it will make sense.

For example:

What is the difference between the product of 10 and 2 and the sum of 10 and 2?

First, you are finding the difference between two things - the PRODUCT and the SUM. So, first you need to find the product and the sum. Once you have those numbers, you will subtract to find the difference.

The product of 10 and 2 is 20.

The sum of 10 and 2 is 12.

The difference between THOSE two numbers is: 20-12=8

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 3 is due on Friday. Be sure you are completing the unit and studying each night!

Vocabulary - Unit 2 is due on Friday. The cards are also due Friday so be sure you are working on it some tonight as it is a lot of work to complete in one evening!

Literature - We talked about book reports today. The students were given a chance to check out a book during Library class this afternoon. Some students did not check out a book and will need to find one at home, from my class library, or from Mrs. Baer's class library. You will need to have chosen a book by Friday so you can begin reading! The first report is due on October 12th. The students will get a handout with details about the report tomorrow.

Math - Lesson 11. Problem Solving. In this lesson, you have to identify a word problem as following either an addition pattern or a subtraction pattern.

Here are a few examples:

At 10:00, there were 25 birds sitting on the wire. Some more landed at 10:15 (none had flown away). Now there are 72 birds sitting on the wire. How many birds landed at 10:15?

First, recognize the pattern as an addition pattern. There were birds on the wire and some more came. Now there are more birds on the wire.

Second, write an equation representing the story.

25 + B = 72

25 birds + some more birds (B) = 72 birds

Now, solve the problem by subtracting the 25 birds that were originally there from the number of birds that are now there.

72 - 25 = 47

Go back and read the QUESTION. It said, "How many birds landed at 10:15?"

Now, label your answer! 47 birds

Eighth Grade

Lesson 12.

Pre-Algebra - Prime numbers and factor trees. Again, this is a pretty easy lesson for everyone. Take your time though and please write if you get stuck!

Algebra I - Today was just more easy stuff. You are all doing a terrific job! Just take your time with the signs, being sure you aren't adding or subtracting before you multiply.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 7th


Sixth Grade

Spelling - Unit 2 is due tomorrow! Since we didn't have Literature/Spelling class today due to mass, the test for unit 2 is tomorrow as well. We will also begin Unit 3.

Literature - You have a worksheet over Zlateh the Goat due tomorrow.

Math - Lesson 11. Some and Some More problems and Some Went Away problems. These are word problems where you have to figure out if you need to add or subtract. Everyone seemed to have a good handle on how to do these today. If you have a question, email me! I'll respond later this evening since we have Back To School night tonight.

Seventh Grade

Spelling - Unit 3 was assigned today. You do not have to do the Vocabulary Connections pages this week since it is a short week.

Vocabulary - Unit 2 was assigned today. Ten sentences using ten words are due tomorrow. The unit and the cards are due on Friday. The test will be next Tuesday.

Literature - We began reading Rikki-Tikki-Tavi today. There is no homework.

Math - Lesson 10. Fractions. Remember, to change a fraction to a percent, divide the denominator into 100% and write any remainders as a fraction. So, 1/3 as a fraction would be 33 1/3%. If you divided 100 by 3, you would get 33 with 1 left over. To change an improper fraction to a mixed number, remember to divide the denominator into the numerator. The remainder becomes your fraction. To change a mixed number into an improper fraction, do the u-turn!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra - Solving equal groups word problems. You should have written in your MiniMath booklet the following equation:

# in each group x # of groups = total

By figuring out where your pieces of information fit into the equation, you can tell if you need to multiply or divide. Remember, when working with word problems and real things or people, remainders aren't meaningful. You will have to DO something with those remainders. Here is an example problem:

A school ordered 367 t-shirts for the students and faculty from Quick-T's Printing Company. They pack the t-shirts as evenly as possible into 8 boxes. How many t-shirts are in each box?

First, you don't know the # in each group. You DO know the number of groups (10 boxes) and the total (367 t-shirts). Since you are missing a factor in a multiplication problem, you need to divide to find the other factor.

367 divided by 10 is 36. The problem is, there are 7 t-shirts leftover. You can draw a sketch to help this make sense. First, I draw 10 boxes and put 36 t-shirts in each box (in blue). Then, since I want to make it as even as possible, I put those 7 extra t-shirts in 7 different boxes (in green). So, now you see that 7 boxes have 37 t-shirts and 3 boxes have 36 t-shirts.

I hope that helps!

Algebra I - Lesson 11. Please take your time working through the integer multiplication and addition problems. Let me know if you have any questions!

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 2nd

Sixth Grade

Math - Today, the class worked through a practice test. The test is tomorrow. Go over the practice test questions tonight to study!

Spelling - Remember, the Spelling unit is due next Tuesday and the test will be Tuesday as well! Don't forget to take your book home over the weekend to finish the unit and to study!

Literature - The worksheet over Zlateh the Goat is due on Tuesday. Don't forget about it!

Seventh Grade

Literature - Worksheet over "The Third Wish". You will have a Selection Test tomorrow. Go over what you would like to write for the essay question. (I passed out the essay question in class today so everyone should have it.)

Math - The class worked on a practice test today. There was not a worksheet, so go over the lesson concepts from Lessons 1-5.

Spelling - Unit 2 is due tomorrow! Please be sure to complete the ENTIRE unit and study for the test!

Eighth Grade

Pre-Algebra. Lesson 9. Use your notes in your MiniMath booklet to help you on the new material. If you have any questions, as always, please email me!

Algebra I - Lesson 9. Multiplying and dividing integers. Remember the rule: if the signs are the same, it's positive. If the signs are different, it's negative.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, September 1st

Sixth Grade

Literature - Worksheet over Zlateh the Goat. It just needs to be finished by Tuesday. (You can give it to me early if you are worried that you will misplace it.)

Spelling - Unit 2 is due Tuesday. Remember to complete the whole unit!

Math - Lesson 10. Sequences and Scales. Remember that patterns aren't always adding patterns. Sometimes you might be multiplying by a given number. For example, in the sequence 1, 4, 16, are multiplying by 4, so the next number would be 256. For the scales, remember that you first have to determine what the sequence is between the marks on the scale. It might go up by 1, by 2, by 5, by 10, by 20, by 25 and so on. Try out a sequence by guessing and checking to see if it works. If it does, then you can figure out the indicated number.

Seventh Grade

Grammar - Chapter 2. Pronouns. The assignment is to do Exercises A & B and the DWS on pages 29-31. Remember to FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS given in the book.

Vocabulary - There is a test tomorrow over Unit 1 - both the words from the book and the Unit 1 Idioms.

Math - Lesson 9. Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Fractions. This part was easy for everyone. The lesson also covered reciprocals. Remember that a reciprocal is when you invert a fraction, switching the numerator and denominator. So, the reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3. Also, when you multiply a number and it's reciprocal, the product is 1. If you are asked "how many 3/4's are in 1?" the problem wants to know the reciprocal of 3/4 because you have have to multiply 3/4 by 4/3 to get 1.

As always, please email me if you have any questions!

Eighth Grade

Both classes took a test today that covered concepts taught in Lessons 1-4.

Algebra I has a multiplication page with signed numbers. Did everyone remember the rule? When the signs are the same, the answer is positive. When the signs are different, it's negative.

Pre-Algebra was given a handout and needs to copy the information from the first page into their MiniMath books and then answer the questions on the second page. Some of you weren't sure what to write. We will go over it tomorrow. The handout was a warm-up to your new lesson.

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Swickey